Strike Back

Simon Alder

Don’t get mad. Get even. No longer underdogs, Malcolm and the Animals’ are back together for another round of soccer action But this season’s rivals, the Hellhounds, are even meaner than last season. They play dirty—they kick, trip, elbow and sucker-punch. And their sneaky tricks rarely get caught. Malcolm is fed up! Coach Harris wants them to win the league finals with skill and fair play. But Nick and the new kid have a better idea—one last prank to end all pranks. Only the Hellhounds stand between the Animals and total victory. So, what will the Animals do? Play fair and lose? Or play dirty and win?

About the author

Born in England, Simon Alder grew up moving frequently with his politically active parents. The two things that kept him grounded and confident were books and soccer (aka Football). After a brief career in the technology field Simon decided that combining his life's passions was the true path to happiness and success. Simon looks forward to the day when his son will be able to read The Soccer Series. He and his family live on an organic apple farm in Berkshire region of western Massachusetts.

Simon Alder